Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I didn't know what to do weither to tell someone or to just keep it a secret so i decided to keep it a secret and not tell anyone. I remeber exactly what she told me in school during the afternoon. She wrote me a note telling me that she was pregnant and i told her if the father of the baby knew she told me that he did and i asked her if any of her family members knew she told me that they didn't only her godmother..and i also asked her if she was going to tell them later on.She told me that she was but that she was scared on what they were going to say and i told her not to worry because i was going to be here for her during the times she needed me to try and help her out with any situations or problems she had.Thats what friends are for.


  1. Good Story Estefany.
    But its too short try to make it longer :)

  2. Nice story
    Yeah its' too short you should add more details to make it interesting
