Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Today is March 18 of the year 1985...I remember this day as if it was the day my brother was born..it was my sister's birthday and we decided to make a party for her..we did not have enough money but although we still decided to make the party for her. Days before the party everyone in the family was working more in order to have money I was working around the house cleaning and washing the dishes, my mama was cooking, my brother was working outside planting crops, & my sister was doing her hair and cleaning her room. We called grandma to come over for the party and she did come but she brought her knitting tools and so she didn't do anything but knitt...
My mother cooked roasted chicken and for dessert it was apple pie, it was a great meal i then asked my sister what was her birthday wish she told me that it was for our father to be alive enjoying this wonderful moment (my sister's birthday)with all of us and for him to be here with us seeing everyday of our lives as we get older & i told her not to worry because weither or not he is here with us he is always going to be in our hearts...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1.)I hate it when i can't go somewhere i want to go.
2.)I hate it when people go into my room to get something without my permission
3.)I hate it when i have to do homework.
4.)I hate it when no one listens to me.
5.)I hate when i can't stay afterschool because i have to pick up my 2nd grade brother.
6.)I hate it when i have to clean the house.
7.)I hate people that try to be funny when they really aren't.
8.)I hate when people try to be someone they are not.
9.)I hate when people lie a lot.
10.)I hate it when guys are shy to come up to me and talk to me.
11.)I hate it when my parents yell at me.
12.)I hate to have to do something I don't want to do.
13.)I hate when i can't go outside.
14.)I hate having to wake up early in the morning.
15.)I hate to go grocery shopping.
16.)I hate when my mom makes seafood and red meats.
17.)I hate it when my brother needs help in his homework and im the one that needs to help him.
18.)I hate it when people say or spell my name wrong.
19.)I hate it when people don't even try to do something and they always want for others to do it for them.
20.)I hate it when i have to go somewhere where i don't want to go.
21.)I hate it when people talk bad about me.
22.)I hate it when people criticize mexicans.
23.)I hate it when people think that they are better than all of us.
24.)I hate it when people get the last piece of something and there is no more for me.
25.)I hate it when people get mad at me for no reason.
26.) I hate it when people create rumors and because of that it causes problems with other people.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I didn't know what to do weither to tell someone or to just keep it a secret so i decided to keep it a secret and not tell anyone. I remeber exactly what she told me in school during the afternoon. She wrote me a note telling me that she was pregnant and i told her if the father of the baby knew she told me that he did and i asked her if any of her family members knew she told me that they didn't only her godmother..and i also asked her if she was going to tell them later on.She told me that she was but that she was scared on what they were going to say and i told her not to worry because i was going to be here for her during the times she needed me to try and help her out with any situations or problems she had.Thats what friends are for.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I had just came back from my days off and they told me that I had a new case to solve in this case it was about a girl whose name was caitlyn nixon she happened to be 18 years old, white, green eyes, about 5’4 tall.She was found dead in a river the river happened to be the mississippi river and there was a near by hotel by there I went to go see if caitlyn was checked in that hotel and I found out she was.Later I decided to ask a person at the main desk if Caitlyn’s family was still in the hotel the person at the main desk in the lobby told me that they were and so I told them to give me the room number and so they did. The room number was 315 when I went inside the room I had introduced myself “Hi my name is katy” they had asked me why was I there for apparently they did not know that their daughter was found dead in the river and I told them that she was found there dead they were preety devastaded and I asked them a few questions about the family, and about her personal life. I did not know yet weither this was a suicide or a homicide.
I asked her mother weither Caitlyn had a boyfriend or any problems at school she told me that she did have a boyfriend but they broke up not to long a go they broke up because she was cheating on him and he found out by one of her friends and she didn’t have problems at school she was one of the girls that loved to study and hang out with her friends. By what she said I already suspected many things. Yet I still did not know if it was a suicide or a homicide. So after this I went to the crime scene and I decided to take Caitlyn to a laboratory for an autopsy to be made. She had a forensic autopsy in that autopsy they try and find out the cause of the death. In the autopsy answers I found out that she had been raped, and after that someone strunggled her. I was shocked, but after knowing this I went back to the hotel and I went back to the family’s room knocked and no one answered the door I saw a housekeeper and asked her that what happened to the family that was here not to long ago she told me that they had left that morning.This seemed preety suspicious. I decided to call my partner Jacky I told her to try and figure out were the NIXON’S family lived.
Later jacky called me back and she told me that they lived in beverly hills..So then I thought to myself why would they be near the mississippi river and not in beverly hills these seemed suspicicous and so I decided to go to beverly hills..i went to their home and i saw the whole family again but this time I saw them with their daughters boyfriend the guy was at her house and I said hello to all of them but then I asked them that why had they left they told me that they had some business to be made and I asked them what kind of business..they all got nervous and did not answer..UNTIL SOMEONE STOOD UP AND SAID OKAY I CAN’T STAND IT ANYMORE...you can’t stand what anymore I asked and he said all these questions…HE SAID I DID IT I KILLED HER it was caitlyn’s BOYFRIEND..!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Make logandale a better school

I think that many things will make logandale a better school. In my opinion, there are three different ways on how the school can be better. One is that there could be better afterschool activities. Another is that they should have new exploratory classes. Also for the principal to listen to the students opinions and to what they say. Wouldn’t you like to be in school where there is fun afterschool programs or an afterschool sports team.
My first change is there could be better afterschool activities. The afterschool activities could be something fun instead of having a program where you learn.There could be a pom pons or a cheerleading team for the girls and for the guys there could be a sports club. So in that way many more students can join this school. Better afterschool activities would make logandale increase its population of students. Don’t you think?
My second way is that there could be new exploratory classes. For example there could be a music class that would help logandale because there are many students that are interested in learning how to play a musical instrument and that would make the students not transfer to another school. Also there could be a drama club, where students would have the opportunity to learn to act. Potery classes would make the art classes better. Or what other exploratory classes would you like to have?
My third way to make logandale better would be for the principal to listen to the students opinions and to what they say. I think that this would make logandale better because sometimes when the students try telling or explaining something to one person in the school’s staff they won’t listen. When the principal asks us about some ideas that we have for the luncheon or something we tell him a lot of ideas but he dosen’t seem to listen to them. Everytime we say something or give our opinion on something no one seems to listen and when it’s a problem with a teacher they won’t believe the students. What would you do in our place?
In conclusion, I think that many things would make logandale a better school. There could be better afterschool activities,new exploratory classes, and the principal could listen to the students opinions and to what they say. If you wanted to make the school you’re attending to be better, what would you do?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Estefany's life story

I remember the day my daughter Estefany was born it was March 15 around 3:40 in the afternoon.When i was in labor it was a Premature labour i remember the doctor telling me that there were chances for her to either live or die because her lungs weren't that developed,she was very small,she couldn't eat by herself,she had a very hard time trying to survive in the hospital she was born at 6months of pregnancy and she stayed at the hospital for about a month...when it was time to name her i didn't know what to name her thats when her dad came up with the name Estefany......gladly she survived and i got to take her home a month after being in the hospital. I was very happy, the whole family was at our house when we went in the door.The time passed by so fast the next thing i saw was that she had grown up already she is 14 right now,the years go by fast,and thinking that one day or another she is going to move out of the house and have a family of her own makes me want to wish for her to be the little girl that used to play with toys. Time goes by fast and theres nothing that i can do to try and slow it down but im happy for her to go to school and have a better chance of education than i did. I may not know everything that she has been through in her life right now,but i know that when theres something wrong with her i will always be there for her.