Thursday, February 19, 2009

...A Skill Everyone Needs...

An important skill that everyone should know in order to be succesful in life should be to know different languages.My first reason is because if you know more languages you get a better chance of getting a better job. My second reason is its interesting to know different languages and,Lastly my third reason is because you'll know more things than the people that only know one language.

One example for my first reason is that if you go apply for a job and they ask you,okay how many languages do you know? and you answer two or more and another person that is applying for the same job as you then probably theres a better chance that the person that said two or more is going to get the job.I think of this because it might be true sometimes in jobs they don't want to hire a person that only knows one language,they rather hire someone with a good apparence and someone who haves a great education.That's why its important to finish high school and college because if you want to be someone important in life and not get bossed around in a job then you should think more about yourself and decide to be the boss of what you do and what you work on.In addition to this you want to be known as an important person in life.....

Another example for my second reason, is that if you want to go to a place like Mexico you need to know spanish or else what would you do if you dont, thats why i think its very important to learn another language and not just know your native language.Its important to know another language because if someone need help on something or if something is really important and that person comes from another place and speaks a different language then how are you going to help if you're not going to understand, thats why its important to learn another language. Also in high school you're going to have to join different language classes in the semesters in order to be better and more successful in high school and in college.

Lastly my third example,People that like to learn new things sometimes get very interested in learning another language in high school, they might get interested because its something new that you are learning.(Sometimes dosen't your parent's tell you that they want the best for you?)I know that to me they do and well its probably because they didn't get the opportunity to finish school, and now they don't have the career that they wanted to have,now thats why they want the best for us because "we the students are the people for tommorow". Its very interesting to lern something new,some poeple don't like to go to school and learn but later on in life you're going to see that it was worth it because your're going to be someone in life.Think about it its the opportunity to be someone better in life.

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