Friday, February 27, 2009

Immigration and Border

I wish for Barack Obama to try and stop the things that immigration is causing for example it is causing for people to get deported and that means that families are getting separated from each other. I would like for him to change this because even though I don’t know the people that are getting deported its still sad to have to see that families are getting separated for no cause and I.C.E does not care, theres a lot of things I hate about I.C.E that they say that just because some mexicans are undocumented and don’t have papers they say that they are criminals as if they were doing something really bad. I think that mexicans shouldn’t be criminals because even though yes some mexicans are here undocumented its because they are trying to get a good life, good future, and if they have a family they think its even better for them to be here in the U.S..So why do you call them criminals?!....
Another thing that Obama should try to work on is on the Immigration Reform, I think he should try and fix this because it would really change the way american people think about mexicans because sometimes american people are racist with mexicans because the americans say that we mexicans are criminals, and that we shouldn’t be here…I think that American people have forgotten about what Lincoln said that everyone should be threated equally no matter where they are from, and an Immigration Reform would make a big difference for us Mexicans!!!!

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