Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About The Holocaust

1.I know that the nazi' s took over Germany on January of the year 1933.

2.I know that about 6 million jews were killed by the nazi's.

3.Also I know that "holocaust" is a greek word that means "sacrificing with/by fire.

4.The nazi's killed many people from different places because of "racial inferiority".

5.Something called the"Final Solution" was a nazi policy to kill all the jews of Europe.

6.I also know that there were many disabled persons that were kept in institutional settings that were later taken to be murdered in a program that is called Euthanasia.

7.The nazi's killed all kinds of people, not only jews.

8.Kids had no choice but to join and be a member of hitler's youth camp.

9. Poeple were sent to concentration camps,were the nazi's would put them to work and later transfer them to an extermination camp and kill them.

10.After the holocaust was over many of the jews that survived emigrated to Israel.

11.Also there were camps called DP which stand for displaced persons, these are camps that are ruled by the allies.

12. The last DP camp was closed on 1957.

13.On may of the year 1939 the largest concentration camp that was established for women was Ravensbruck.

14.Also there was the ausch-birkenau another concentration camp were there were women prisoners.

15.At bergen-belsen there was another womens camp established.

16.I know that during the last year of world war 2 thousands of women that were at ravensbruck,& at ausch-birkenau were transfered to the bergen-belsen camp.

17.Jewish kids were killed once they got into killing centers.

18.The kids that were born in camps and in ghetto's survived because prisioners hid them.

19.There were three types of ghetto it was the closed,open, and destruction ghetto.

20.The largest ghetto in poland was the warsaw ghetto.

21.A ghetto is were poor people lived and if you dressed poorly they would call you ghetto.

22.There were over 400,000 jews in the warsaw ghetto.

23.When women were pregnant they had to give it on adoption.

24.Nazi's would kill children in order to use them for an experiment or just because they wanted to.

25.The jews were one of four group that were racially targeted by the nazi's.

26.The nazi's began experimenting with poison gas because of mass murder on the year of 1939.

27.Another word for mass murder is euthanasia.

28.Another word for mobile killing unit is Einsatzgruppe.

29.Gassing proved to be less costly so they used them more.

30.Einsatzgruppen killed thousands of people it was mostly jews,Roma(Gypsies),and mentally ill poeple.

31.The Nazi's wanted to accomplish the final solution by sending the jews to extermination camps.

32.There was a new camp opened that was called Chelmno in Poland.

33.There was gas chambers.

34.Pogrom is a russian word that means "to wreak havoc, to demolish violently".

35.The workers of pogroms were perpetraitors.

36.The perpetraitors raped and killed jewish victims but with the encouragement of the goverment and police.

37.The goverment and the police used their power for bad things.

38.The street violence against the jews was accepted and people even encouraged them to do it.
39.There is a nationwide campaign of street violence against jews that is known as Kristallnacht.

40.The street violence began with riots in vienna after the anschluss of austria.

41.The allies moved across europe and that is were they found many prisioners.

42.The prisioners that survived forced marches were suffering of starvation and disease.

43.Germans tried to hide the evidence of mass murder by demolishing the camp.

44.The staff of the camp used to burn the bodies of prisioners that were already dead.

45.The soviet overran Belzec, Sobibor,and Treblinka.

46.The germans destroyed certain camps in the year 1943.

47.Almost all of the jews of poland were killed.

48.The soviets let the prisioners of the Auschwitz camp the biggest concentration camp on january 1945.

49.Death marches was when the nazi's forced most of the prisioners of the Auschwitz to march westward.

50.The germans destroyed most of the warehouses in the camp.

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