Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

I agree that parents are the best teachers for three reasons because the parents are the ones that teach the kids everything,also the parents are there for when their children need them, and the parents taught us how to be responsible.Would you agree or disagree with me?
My first reason is that our parents were the ones that taught us everything because they taught us how to walk and our parents are also the ones that saw us take our first steps, one important thing that our parents also taught us is how to read and write and those are things we use in our everyday life.Our parents also taught us from what's right and whats wrong.Don't you think?
Second reason, our parents were always there for when we needed them because i know that parents will be there for when you need them, it doesn't matter if it's a hard time or not they are there for you because they care. When you were little and you used to fall either in the park or from the bike they were there to pick you up and help you.Also sometimes they might be harsh or get mad at you for anything but its probably because they care and because they want the best for their children.Weren't your parents there for you every time you needed them the most?
Lastly my third reason, Our parents taught us something very important in life which is RESPONSIBILITY. One thing about responsibility that they taught us was to do the homework everyday and if we didn't understand something they were there to help us out.Also they taught us how to take care of ourselves when they weren' t there and how to take care of things that aren't ours and how to respect older people.Don't you think responsability is a very important thing in life?
In conclusion, i agree that parents are the best teachers because they are the ones that thaught us everything, they were always there for when we needed them, and they taught us how to be responsable. What do you think, are they or aren't they the best teachers?

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