Monday, May 18, 2009

Questions of "The Diary of Anne Frank" pg.832 & pg.870

1. The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery.Which rules would be the hardest for you to follow?why?The hardest rules for me to follow would me not being able to go to the washroom or even getting a pencil to aleast have something to do with the pencil like draw.

2.a.In scene 1,what objects does mr.frank find in the secret rooms?The objects that he finds in the secrets rooms is anne's diary and ruckstacks.b.How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?It is connected with the rest of the act because in Anne's diary its telling everything that mr.frank's family and friends had to go through.

3.a.What Special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?The special meaning is that everyone is together as a family.b.What do Anne's presents show about her?Her presents show that no matter what there can be presents,and everyone can be happy.c.Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents?The others react with enthusiasm because they are glad about it,imagine yourself hiding for like 2 years.Thats why they are glad & happy.

4.a.Discuss mr.frank's statement, "there locks that anyone can put on your mind"How does Anne prove that this is true?She proves its true because the natzi's don't allow them to do anything and even if the want to they cannot.

5.a.What is the historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding?The historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding is the holocaust.b. What effects does this situation have their daily lives?The effects that this situation haves on their daily lives is that the kids cannot go to school,and they cannot go to the washroom or anything that they usually do.

6.In scene 2,Anne and Peter discuss the stars of David on their clothes.a.What effects do the Nazi's intend the wearing of the stars to have on Jews?The effects that the nazi's intended for the Jews by wearing the stars was for them to know what category they were in.b.What background information about the war and the Nazi's treatment of the Jews helps you link this cause with its intended effects?The background information about the war and the Nazi's treatment of the Jews helps me link this cause with its intended effects because it helps me understand better about what happened during the war and all that.


1. Reveals character and relationships-for example the conversation between Peter and Anne in that conversation it shows that anne and peter are both very friendly persons,and that peter is a smart guy.It also shows that they are friends.

2. Advances the action of the plot-The thing that advanced the action of the plot was when they were talking about the day someone tried to rob them and someone went in and peter dropped things and someone knew someone was living there.

3. Develops the conflict-when they all gathered together after what had happened of someone that entered the house and after that no one came back so no one just the thing or person that came in to robb knows that there is actually someone living there.

8. After Mr.Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Daans in hiding,what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities?After Mr.Kraler asked if Dussel can join both of the other families at their hiding place the 2 families say yes even if there is barely enough room because they probably want to be polite & help out others.

Questions pg.870

1.What do you like best about anne frank?What i like best is that she seemed to be a very cheerful and hopeful person.How would you like having her as a friend?I would like having her as a friend because she seemed like the very comprehensible type of person.

2.a.What disturbing news does Mr.Kraler bring on New Year's day?The news that he brings is that its over.b.What hint does this give about the ending of the play?The hint that it gives about the end of the play is that they are going to get sent to consentration centers.

3.a.What is the time span of act II?The time span of act II is about one year and a half b.How have the characters changed since the end of act I?The characters have changed since the end of act I because they seem to be more mature.c.How do you know that Anne has changed?I know that Anne has changed because now she is not the mean type of girl now she just goes along with what there is to go along with and is nicer to everyone.

4.a.How can Anne believe that " spite of everything...people are really good at heart?"Anne can believe that because at first she was the mean one and she didn't like talking to people much and now she is more open-minded and likes to talk to people more.

5.Identify cause and effect. a.Mr Van Daan's decision to steal food Cause , b.Mrs.Frank's change of heart about wanting the Van Daan's to leave Effect.

6.What are some possible causes of Mrs.Van Daan's attitude toward Anne & Peter's relationship?Some possible causes of Mrs.Van Daans attitude towards Anne & Peter's relationship is that she is probably worried about what might happen in the future after they both get out of hiding or if they get sent to a concentration center.

7. Living in close quaters has multiple effects that result from this single "secret annex". List three effects that result from this single cause.The effects of living in the "secret annex" is that there is barely rooms for a few people,There is not much food,and poor hygiene.

8.Characters>1.Miep,2.Mr.Van Daan,3.Peter Van Daan

Action>1.Brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms,2. Hides people in the "secret annex",3. Talks to Anne.

Motivation>1.Probably to make them feel at home. 2. To help them out so they wont get sent to concentration camps.3. To not make Anne feel left out or lonely.

9.What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authoritites about the families in hiding? The possible motivations might be that the informer wouldn't get sent to the concentration camp because he helped out or probably just for the families that are hiding to get caught.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About The Holocaust

1.I know that the nazi' s took over Germany on January of the year 1933.

2.I know that about 6 million jews were killed by the nazi's.

3.Also I know that "holocaust" is a greek word that means "sacrificing with/by fire.

4.The nazi's killed many people from different places because of "racial inferiority".

5.Something called the"Final Solution" was a nazi policy to kill all the jews of Europe.

6.I also know that there were many disabled persons that were kept in institutional settings that were later taken to be murdered in a program that is called Euthanasia.

7.The nazi's killed all kinds of people, not only jews.

8.Kids had no choice but to join and be a member of hitler's youth camp.

9. Poeple were sent to concentration camps,were the nazi's would put them to work and later transfer them to an extermination camp and kill them.

10.After the holocaust was over many of the jews that survived emigrated to Israel.

11.Also there were camps called DP which stand for displaced persons, these are camps that are ruled by the allies.

12. The last DP camp was closed on 1957.

13.On may of the year 1939 the largest concentration camp that was established for women was Ravensbruck.

14.Also there was the ausch-birkenau another concentration camp were there were women prisoners.

15.At bergen-belsen there was another womens camp established.

16.I know that during the last year of world war 2 thousands of women that were at ravensbruck,& at ausch-birkenau were transfered to the bergen-belsen camp.

17.Jewish kids were killed once they got into killing centers.

18.The kids that were born in camps and in ghetto's survived because prisioners hid them.

19.There were three types of ghetto it was the closed,open, and destruction ghetto.

20.The largest ghetto in poland was the warsaw ghetto.

21.A ghetto is were poor people lived and if you dressed poorly they would call you ghetto.

22.There were over 400,000 jews in the warsaw ghetto.

23.When women were pregnant they had to give it on adoption.

24.Nazi's would kill children in order to use them for an experiment or just because they wanted to.

25.The jews were one of four group that were racially targeted by the nazi's.

26.The nazi's began experimenting with poison gas because of mass murder on the year of 1939.

27.Another word for mass murder is euthanasia.

28.Another word for mobile killing unit is Einsatzgruppe.

29.Gassing proved to be less costly so they used them more.

30.Einsatzgruppen killed thousands of people it was mostly jews,Roma(Gypsies),and mentally ill poeple.

31.The Nazi's wanted to accomplish the final solution by sending the jews to extermination camps.

32.There was a new camp opened that was called Chelmno in Poland.

33.There was gas chambers.

34.Pogrom is a russian word that means "to wreak havoc, to demolish violently".

35.The workers of pogroms were perpetraitors.

36.The perpetraitors raped and killed jewish victims but with the encouragement of the goverment and police.

37.The goverment and the police used their power for bad things.

38.The street violence against the jews was accepted and people even encouraged them to do it.
39.There is a nationwide campaign of street violence against jews that is known as Kristallnacht.

40.The street violence began with riots in vienna after the anschluss of austria.

41.The allies moved across europe and that is were they found many prisioners.

42.The prisioners that survived forced marches were suffering of starvation and disease.

43.Germans tried to hide the evidence of mass murder by demolishing the camp.

44.The staff of the camp used to burn the bodies of prisioners that were already dead.

45.The soviet overran Belzec, Sobibor,and Treblinka.

46.The germans destroyed certain camps in the year 1943.

47.Almost all of the jews of poland were killed.

48.The soviets let the prisioners of the Auschwitz camp the biggest concentration camp on january 1945.

49.Death marches was when the nazi's forced most of the prisioners of the Auschwitz to march westward.

50.The germans destroyed most of the warehouses in the camp.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Hansel and Gretel"

Tell this story through any of the characters' eyes (mother, father,hansel,gretel,old woman)

As i heard my step-mother talking to my father about how they should
take my brother gretel and i to the forest and just give us a loaf of bread and just leave us there and not come back for us, that just made me really scared i
started thinking about how i was going to die there of hunger with my brother.
After my father and step-mother went to sleep my brother and i went outside to get white
pebbles for us to put on the floor while we are walking towards the forest with my father
& step-mother. When i heard them talking i heard that my father did not want to leave us in the forest by ourselves and she tried to change what she was saying but he couldn't as
always she never listens to him. As she came and woke us up in the morning she
gave us a loaf of bread and told us to eat it for dinner later on.
When we where all walking i was walking slower and putting the white pebbles on the floor
at the same time for us to return to my father's home later on.
When we got to the forest my father lit a fire with lots of wood for us to just rest there and sleep there he had told us that he was going to go and cut some more wood,
when he really was just going to leave us there.Later in the night we followed the
pebbles and returned home by the morning.We knocked on the door and my step-mother
opened the door, she looked shocked to see us she was not expecting
for us to return home. It was late again and we supposibly went to sleep when
we really didn't, once again my brother and i were hearing what that woman was telling
my father, She told him that for us to not come back again she will take us deeper into the forest, when i tried to go out and get more pebbles i noticed
that she had locked the door, so there was no way for us to get any pebbles.
The next day she woke us up again in the morning, she gave us some more bread but this
time it was less than last time.Once again they both (my father & step-mother)
left us alone in the woods telling us the same thing.This time
there was no way for my brother and i to go back home.We then saw a white
bird it was singing,after the beautiful song was over the bird left
we followed it and it took us to a home that had the ceiling made of bread,and the windows made of sugar. My brother and i started eating thats when a woman opened the
door she offered us food and two wonderful beds. The time passed she gave us some
food to eat,and we then went to sleep.The next morning i noticed that my brother was not there. The woman had told me that my brother was locked in a little stable and that
i shall cook food that will get him fat for her to later eat my brother.Thats when i noticed
that the woman was really an evil witch. After that the witch told me to help her
see if the oven is heated well enough.But she tried to get me into it.
I told her i didn't know how to get in instead she got in & i closed the oven and she burned
to death. After that i went to go get my brother from the small stable.Later we tried
to get home but first we had to cross a river and we had to go on top of a white duck to
cross the river.After walking a little we started seeing my father's home.
I was glad we were back at home, my brother gretel was very excited we knocked
on the door...and my father opened it,he told us that our step-mother was dead.
& we lived happily ever after

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Adam's Diary"

When i first saw her she was very beautiful i had no words to explain it.I don't know why but the first day i was very nervous around her i couldn't be nowhere close to her. Although she does talk very much, and she tought that every animal is a treasure and every one of them is welcome anytime. Everything there is she names it somehow it just comes to her mind and its like she knows everything. I am not as bright as she is but im learning from her. Somethings i like the most about her is that she seems to know many things that i don't.

Friday, May 1, 2009


As the fox and the lion were talking they saw a bear pass by.They told the bear "you're fat,get on a diet". After that they saw the bear once again in the day and they saw that he was crying,they decided to say sorry & thats when they noticed their mistake.

-Its better to think about the things you'll say before you say them.